
is going out stressful?

Going out with my kids is stressful, or is it me?

These past two years, there have been some days that I do not feel happy. It took me a while to realize that. Today is one of those rare days that I feel unhappy, and I know it is all on me. I feel mom guilt for it because I...

cholestasis of pregnancy. the itch you should not ignore

The pregnancy itch that should not be ignored: Cholestasis of Pregnancy

When we are pregnant we get bloodwork done to test for abnormalities that can happen to our babies. We are told to watch out for certain symptoms such as the ones for preeclampsia, any abnormal fetal movement, kick counts, etc. However, there are some symptoms that are somewhat overlooked many...

Mom teaching baby

My love and hate relationship with being a stay at home mom

I do not have a problem with being a stay at home mom/wife. Well, in the beginning, I did have it because I would belittle my worth as a stay at home mom. After all, I was not contributing to the household financially, or so I thought… I must admit...

Love, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder

That butterflies-in-stomach feeling, the expecting of that call or that message, the thinking of that person all day, or that I-cannot-live-without-you feeling; are some of the things that are constantly being related or attributed to love. Some people relate these to love, some use them to describe love. I did,...